This has been a very eventful term in the Science faculty, including welcoming new staff Mrs Clyne, Mrs Thakur, Miss Howard and Mr Lika.
In Key Stage 3, Years 7 and 8 have studied forces, matter and organisms, and have conducted lots of relevant practical work to enhance their learning.
In Key Stage 4, Year 9 have begun their GCSE studies by looking at cell structure and transport, atomic structure and energy.
Year 10 combined science classes have been studying chemical calculations and disease, with the single science class looking at photosynthesis, respiration, chemical changes and radioactivity. They have also begun their CREST award.
Year 11 sat their mock exams and applied themselves well during this intense period. The combined science classes have studied forces and homeostasis, with the single science class doing reproduction, variation and evolution, chemical changes and electromagnetism.
Next term promises to be exciting with another new member of staff joining in January and Science Week in March!