PSHCE – Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education enables our pupils to understand themselves and their place in the wider world. Covering issues such as equality, values, friendship, money matters, harmful substances. and making good choices to working towards and achieving qualifications in First Aid and time to explore future plans and careers.
PSHCE is a safe space to ask, inquire and appreciate other points of view and issues that affect us on a small personal scale to an international scale. Each unit starts with a mind map to clear up misconceptions as well as signposting where to access help and support for any of the issues.
The success criteria, unlike other exam based qualifications, is that the individual will leave Saracens High School with the confidence, skills and deep understanding of themselves to make positive choices to live a happy and safe life and be a positive part of the community.
Enrichment Opportunities
Workshops – Stand Up Education Against Discrimination, Brook, Groundswell (prevent), Bread N Butter, BBC Tell your Story Tour
Drop Down Days – Stock Market Challenge, Soap Box Enterprise, Your Life You Choose, DWELL (Futures social living project)
After school Commitment – NHS Cadets, First Aid qualifications, Charity Champions, Boxing for Confidence, Duke of Edinburgh Award
Useful websites
PSHE Association, Brook, Stand Up, Innovative enterprises, NHS cadets, St Johns First Aid, Duke of Edinburgh Award
- *If withdrawal from the Sex aspects of the RSE curriculum the parent/carer must write to the Principal to express this. Withdrawal however may not be sought with regards to the science lessons that teach Reproduction. LINK to GOV documents
- There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education or Health Education
Subject lead – Miss Edwards