Key Stage 3 (Years 7 and 8)
All pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which alongside our exceptional extra-curricular programme, enables each child to find and nurture their individual talents.
A strong core curriculum sees pupils study English and Maths each day, and everyone takes part in daily private reading. We are proud to be a ‘reading’ school and know that reading develops communication skills and enables pupils to understand the whole range of subjects by extending their vocabulary. As their oracy skills improve, so does their writing. As well as the ‘core’ English, maths and science, pupils also follow courses in History, Geography, Spanish, Physical Education, Computer Science, Music, PRE and Personal, Social and Health Education, Art, and Design and Technology.
Pupils are taught in mixed ability groups. Top down differentiation within lessons and other activities provide access to the curriculum for pupils of all abilities challenging the most able and providing support where necessary sometimes through working with our Learning Support Assistants. This will come from regular subject monitoring as well as lesson observations and the curriculum plan as a whole.
Subject / Time Allocation (50 min/week)
English (combined Language and Literature): 4
Mathematics: 5
Science: 4
PE: 3
Spanish: 3
Geography: 2
History: 2
PRE (Philosophy, Religion and Ethics): 1
Art/DT/Food: 2 (1 term in each subject)
Computer Science: 1
Music: 1
Drama: 1
Total: 30
Our SEND team provide a wide range of small group intervention lessons for pupils who join the school with below average reading scores. This bespoke curriculum uses a range of resources to improve reading ages and comprehension.