World Book Day
Last week we celebrated World Book Day with a variety of fun-filled activities, including a visit from best-selling author, Jo Cotterill. With Year 7 and 8 Jo spoke about her love for writing from a young age and how she became an author. She even got the pupils to build a story together. With Year 9 and 10 Jo spoke about the power of imagination and the importance of representation. Jo also ran a creative writing workshop in the library with a small group of pupils and was interviewed by the Newspaper Club.
In the same week pupils played The Masked Reader, trying to identify members of staff from their favourite books. We also had four pupils – David LO (Y7), Maali V (Y8), David A (Y8), and Najma J (Y9) – take part in the National Reading Champions Quiz. The team performed brilliantly and finished in first place! They each won £20 book tokens and have qualified for the grand final in June.