Holocaust Survivors
By Khosrow, year 9
Earlier this month, Hephzibah Rudofsky, daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, came in to talk to Year 9.
She spoke about her mother’s experience of the concentration camps and I found it very interesting and learnt lots that I didn’t know before. For example, that Jewish people in the concentration camps were made to stand for hours in the corner of the camps. I also learnt that there were two types of camps – concentration camps and execution camps. I felt surprised and shocked by this.
One of the most striking parts of her story was when she spoke about her uncle being separated from her mother when he was a baby, because he looked aryan so they took him to a family who wasn’t Jewish to look after him.
The artefacts she brought in were really cool to see – they made the story more visual, which made it easier to understand. And the videos she played of her mother talking about her experience also brought the talk alive. It was good to have the opportunity to hear this story – everyone in the year paid close attention and asked good questions.