Grow & Thrive
This month has been Disability Awareness Month. We had the privilege of hearing Chloe in Year 10 speak to the school about her autism and how she uses strategies to cope with challenges.
Her speech was a great opportunity to discover more about other people’s abilities and ways of communicating and interacting. Mr Barrett received a diagnosis as an adult and he also spoke to us about his experiences.
During Hearing Impairment Week Dunia from Year 7 spoke to pupils about how hearing aids help her as well as how microphones help block out other noises. Her speech was an inspiration to us all.
Bradley in Year 10 coordinated activities for us on World Diabetes Day. Over £100 was raised for Diabetes UK from his bake sale.
We loved learning how to play Wheelchair Rugby when Saracens Wheelchair Rugby Club came in to run training sessions for us!