Key Stage 4 (Years 9, 10 and 11)
The curriculum after Year 8 is designed to provide continuity, balance and breadth, but at the same time enable students to specialise in courses which meet their needs, aptitudes and career intentions.
All students starting Year 9 take a core of compulsory examination subjects alongside Physical Education, PRE and PSHCE. We expect students who are capable of doing so, to take the full range of EBACC subjects e.g. in addition to the Core subjects studied, the students should study either GCSE Geography or History and a GCSE in a Modern Foreign Language.
Subject / Time allocation (50 min/week)
English (combined Language and Literature): 5
Mathematics: 5
Science: 4
PE: 2
PRE (Philosophy, Religion and Ethics): 1
Option A: 3
Option B: 3
Option C: 3
Option D: 3
Total: 30
Pupils choose four option subjects; in which they spend 3 lessons per week. At Key Stage 4 there are sometimes pupils who need a personalised curriculum, when this occurs we provide suitable opportunities such as Entry Level certificates and ASDAN qualifications. This pathway will be tailored to the needs of the specific pupil involved and is delivered by a specialist SEND teacher.
GCSE Art and Design
GCSE Computer Science
GCSE Design & Technology
GCSE Drama
GCSE Food, Preparation & Nutrition
GCSE Geography
GCSE History
GCSE Psychology
GCSE Religious Studies
GCSE Single Sciences
GCSE Spanish
GCSE Sociology
BTEC Level 2 Health & Social Care
BTEC Level 2 Sport
BTEC Level 2 Music Practice
More information is provided to pupils and families in an options booklet that can be found here.