More Able Programme
The More Able Programme at Saracens Sixth Form is designed to foster the growth and independence of students who have demonstrated exceptional aptitude in one or more subjects.
These students are not only academically gifted but also display a strong passion and interest in various areas, showing great potential for excellence. Selection for the programme is based on academic performance and teacher recommendations.
Academic Excellence
Extended Project Qualification EPQ
What is the EPQ?
The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is a research-based qualification for students, typically taken alongside A-levels. It allows students to explore a personal area of interest through independent research, culminating in a project that can be an essay, artefact, or creative work. Equivalent to half an A-level, it also contributes UCAS points for university applications.
Why is it important?
Valued by universities and employers, the EPQ develops critical skills such as research, analysis, project management, academic writing and independent learning.
The students lead their own project, developing and showcasing their ability to work independently and manage a long-term research process. We support and guide students through this by running weekly sessions led by our Academic mentor. In addition to this, students are paired with a subject expert mentor to coach them through their research and project write up.
Super curricular mentoring
Super-curricular mentoring at Saracens High School offers an enriched academic experience beyond the KS5 national curriculum. Students will receive a comprehensive super-curricular checklist tailored to each of their subjects, encompassing a curated selection of recommended reading materials, podcasts, events, lectures, online courses and academic journals.
Every three weeks, students will participate in group mentoring sessions, where they will present and reflect on their super-curricular focus for that half-term. These sessions are designed to foster intellectual discussion, with students critically analysing the skills and content they’ve gained.
The group will also strategize next steps, ensuring continuous academic growth and deeper subject mastery through targeted engagement with advanced learning resources.
Students will have access to a ‘more able google’ classroom where teachers will share extended reading and updates occurring in their subject
Subject specific excellence programmes: UKMT Challenge; Biology challenge; School production involvement; and Young Enterprise
Access to in person or online masterclasses by undergraduate lecturers
Trips and experiences
- In year 13, enrichment time provided weekly for students to take part in volunteering or sports programs
- Work experience support from the Saracens family network
- Russell group University open day trip
- Cambridge outreach trip
- Oxford outreach trip
- GSK STEM mentoring
- Guest speakers from a range on industries
- Bespoke SHS governor support to secure work experience placements
University preparation
- Cambridge higher aspiration scheme
- Summer school application support
- 1-2-1 careers coaching from our academic mentor
- University course choices and UCAS mentoring with a subject expert
- Personal statement mentoring from a senior leader in the school
- Mock university / job interview coaching
- Early exams coaching and guidance (UCAT, BMAT, ESAT, LNAT), including financial support
It is expected that each student admitted on to the programme will be a leader across the school and maintain high standards of personal conduct as well as sustain high academic performance. Student on the programme are:
- Expected to apply to be a Student Principal
- Expected to apply to be a part of the prefect team
- Expected to take part in peer to peer mentoring
- Expected to maintain ‘Attitude to Learning’ (ATL) grades of 8 and above
- Expected to attend every more able tutorial sessions
- Expected to maintain excellent attendance to school and all lessons
- Expected to maintain excellent punctuality to all sessions
- Expected to maintain academic results in line with or exceeding their target grade
- Expected to maintain an up to date log of all their extracurricular and super curricular activities