Parenting Workshops

Our 6 week programme helping parents support their children with the transition from primary to secondary school has been really well received.

Ms Ferrari, our Family-School Partnership Coordinator, helped us think about:

  • Managing conflicts
  • Parent/child communication
  • Understanding the teenage brain
  • Setting boundaries
  • Establishing routines (especially around home learning and sleeping)
During the sessions we also considered how we can better manage our own emotional triggers and make improvements to our communication.
We’re looking forward to delivering more sessions for parents in the new year; information to follow shortly.

Year 9 Learn Survival Skills

By Ivo, Year 9

For the Year 9 Making Memories trip we had a fantastic day of learning camping skills. We learnt how to use a knife, how to make campfires and how to build shelters. We had loads of fun and enjoyed working in teams.

We were shown how to use a knife to make a tent peg safely and successfully. After we’d made fires we used our fires to toast marshmallows. 

We all participated in a competition to see which group could build the best shelter. Teachers tested how sturdy our shelters were by shaking them, and how waterproof they were by spraying water on them.

It was a fun day and we also learnt some valuable survival skills.

London Treasure Hunt for Year 13

By Basit, Year 13

Following our assessments the week prior, our ‘Making Memories’ trip on Tuesday was a perfect opportunity for an educational experience outside of the classroom.

We had a great opportunity to explore parts of central London that we may not have been able to see on our own and, therefore, discover the rich history the city has to offer.

Our treasure hunt led us to a range of different places, whether that was statues of historical figures, the church of All Hallows, or Hays Galleria. The row of stalls and stores alongside the South Bank epitomised the diversity of the city, as each stall had food and souvenirs from different cultures.

Not only was the trip a sightseeing experience but it developed key skills that we may use in our future careers, such as teamwork. Working in big groups meant that we had to communicate and support each other well to ensure that we followed directions effectively. Additionally, some of the clues were quite tricky and therefore required good problem-solving skills so we could figure out where our treasure was. Being on this trip is what allowed us to develop these skills far quicker than we could have in a classroom.

Public Speaking Workshop for Year 12

By Erik, year 12

For Making Memories, Year 12 were treated to an on-site experience with visitors from Loud Speaker!

We were instantly met by incredibly friendly and energetic hosts who set the mood for a fun-filled day. Indeed, the event was a fantastic opportunity for Year 12s to socialise and bond with one another as we competed by doing a variety of games and activities in the sports hall.

We started off with a fun cup game where we had to work in partners and raced to see who
could grab the cup first. It was an exciting challenge and a great test of our reaction time – those eliminated had to sit down, and there could only be one winner… congratulations to Leon!

Then we had Illyas, Kiki, Crin, Hamza and Lilly deliver descriptive speeches about anything in the hall, with Illyas stealing the show with his powerful and loud soliloquy about a wall – well done to him!

Afterwards, we were given the opportunity to work in groups and debate as a year group about important topics, such as social media, poverty and other thought-provoking issues in society.

From icebreakers that had us laughing uncontrollably to meaningful discussions, there was something for everyone to enjoy – with prizes being awarded to celebrate our effort!

The event not only helped boost our confidence with public speaking but also created a sense of unity in the year group; it was an unforgettable day and a fantastic memory which will resonate with us Year 12s for years to come.


Tickets on Sale for Christmas Play

You are invited to Saracens High School’s Christmas production of ‘Scrooge the Panto’ on Tuesday 3 December and Wednesday 4 December at 6pm. Tickets are £5 for adults, £2.50 for children and free for under 11s. Click here for tickets.

Charles Dickens’ Scrooge, is given the panto treatment in this version of the well-loved story.

Set in Scrooge’s factory, it follows the rotten behaviour of mean old Scrooge towards his downtrodden staff. After two charity workers ask for money and cause Scrooge a near-fatal heart attack, it seems that nothing will ever change the meanest man in London. But when his cook, Jan Butty, bumps into the ghost of Scrooge’s late business partner, strange things begin to happen…

The performance begins at 6pm and there will be an opportunity to buy festive cookies and a hot chocolate during the interval.

Guests are encouraged to wear a Christmas jumper or something sparkly to get into the festive spirit!

House Cake Sale

It was wonderful to see how much our pupils and their cake baking/cake buying families supported the House Cake Sale.

The cakes looked (and tasted!) delicious and helped us raise lots of money for the different house charities.

Alphonsi raised £126 for World Food Organisation
Johnson raised £61 for the RSPCA
Wilberforce raised £57 for Clean Water
Rimla raised £56 for the Autistic Society
Hill raised £52 for Save The Children
Trenchard raised £47 for Islamic Relief UK

In total we raised £401.84 for charity. Well done everyone!

Our next House event will be on 18th December when we’ll have inter-house sports, a quiz, hot chocolate and a festive bake sale.